Wednesday, September 24, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Wall Street Goes To Jail In 2009'

Jussup Lieberman World News Exclusive:

With more than 24 financial institutions being investigated by the FBI,SEC,DOJ and other law enforcement agencies, we predict criminal charges and jail time for more than a handful of executives.

As lawmakers, the Bush administartion, Federal Reserve Chairman Benjamin Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, work out details around the clock seeking new ways to approve any form of emergency legislation($700 billion to $1 Trillion bailout) that would give the government power to purchase devalued assets from troubled financial firms.

With the 'bailout/failure' of AIG, IndyMac, Lehman Brothers, American International Group, Countrywide, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and others, theres more than just 'losses' to these failures and near failures. There is fraud, mismanagement and misrepresentation of assets and other violations across the board. These stories are far from over.

As for the companies listed above and others, we predict 2009 to be a 'financial executive's' worst nightmare.

You read it here first.

Stay tuned......

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